Author Info

ESSDERC adopts electronic submission for the 2002 Conference. Prospective authors should submit their papers via web and ONLY PDF-format will be accepted

Please make sure of embedding all fonts and of choosing a proper compression for images (e.g. 300 dpi). In Adobe Distiller this can be set in Settings / Job Options / Compression.

Due to the timing constrains of the paper-review process, papers must be received by 11th April 2002.

After the paper selection, authors will be informed about the decision of the Programme Committee in the second half of May 2002. The preliminary Programme will be published on Internet at the beginning of June. English will be the working language of the Conference and will be used for all presentations and printed material.


Format of Papers

The format differs from that of the previous editions.
Old templates should not be used

Papers must be submitted in their final form to be published in the Proceedings. They must not exceed four A4 pages with all illustrations and references included. Manuscript guidelines (MS Word, LaTeX and PDF) as well as instructions on the electronic submission are provided.



Information to be Provided by the Authors

In order for your paper to receive a full review, the following information must be entered on the web-site:

Review Process

Papers submitted for review must clearly state:

The degree to which the paper deals with these issues will affect whether the paper is selected. The most frequent cause of rejection of submitted papers is a lack of new results.

Only work that has not been previously published at the time of the Conference will be considered. Submission of a paper for review and subsequent acceptance is considered by the Committee as an agreement that the work will not be placed in the public domain prior to the Conference.



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